Hanning-3 Example Experiment

We previously published an article that applied the Hanning-3 segmentation method in conjunction with HMM: http://class-specific.com/csf/papers/Vehicle.pdf to the Office Sounds data set (http://class-specific.com/os/). The script software/hanning3_officesounds.m implements the classifier mostly as described. The script software/officesounds.m with mrhmm=0 runs the experiment using just 17 training events per class, for all 6 holdout sets. The results in that paper can be reproduced. We obtained 81 errors in 12240 opportunities, or 0.66% error.

In addition, at the end of the script software/officesounds.m, a code segment is provided that allows time-series data to be synthesized from the trained parameters. Examples of real and synthetic time-series are shown in Figure 12.4. The time-series (as .wav files) can be accessed here: software/keys_real.wav, software/keys_syn.wav, software/stapl_real.wav, software/stapl_syn.wav, software/sciss_real.wav, software/sciss_syn.wav.

Figure 12.4: Example spectrograms of real data (top) and synthesized data (bottom) for Office Sound data classes from left to right: "keys", "stapl", "sciss".
\includegraphics[height=2.5in,width=1.5in]{real_syn_keys.eps} \includegraphics[height=2.5in,width=1.5in]{real_syn_stapl.eps} \includegraphics[height=2.5in,width=1.5in]{real_syn_sciss.eps}